I could wax poetic all day about Lee Je-hoon’s performance in this as I have here, here and here. It’s really not that hard. His efforts have been stellar all throughout revealing a knack for the comedic as well as serious creds as a brooding antihero. Of course the rest of the cast has been varying degrees of decent as well but there’s no denying Kim Do-gi’s insanely entertaining undercover efforts as he takes down big time CEOs and causes bullies to cower in fear. The level of detail that Lee Je-hoon brings to each impersonation is always memorable and humorous. It isn’t just the facial expressions, the gestures or the vocal delivery (all to keel over for) but the unique gait in which each persona is imbued with.
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Taxi Driver (2021) Scamming the Scammer
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I could wax poetic all day about Lee Je-hoon’s performance in this as I have here, here and here. It’s really not that hard. His efforts have been stellar all throughout revealing a knack for the comedic as well as serious creds as a brooding antihero. Of course the rest of the cast has been varying degrees of decent as well but there’s no denying Kim Do-gi’s insanely entertaining undercover efforts as he takes down big time CEOs and causes bullies to cower in fear. The level of detail that Lee Je-hoon brings to each impersonation is always memorable and humorous. It isn’t just the facial expressions, the gestures or the vocal delivery (all to keel over for) but the unique gait in which each persona is imbued with.