Aug 22, 2022Liked by 40somethingahjumma

This was definitely splendid theatre work in shadow puppetry. I think the new musical score helped too. I know some people equated it to the scene of "The Red Wedding" from GAME OF THRONES, but I didn't see it that way. I am glad you pointed it out that this isn't really the story of HWS' revenge, because I think the discussion still goes that so many people are upset that he fell in love with Niaoniao when he shouldn't have (me rolling my eyes). I love the scene of her family stepping in and stepping up to help her so she could go rescue the dude in distress! kidding kidding. But it was such a beautiful scene with her in her red dress, riding on the black mare to go save HWS. I still am processing why if he knew all along, he chose this moment finally to execute his plan and kill Ling Yi, given how he's carried this heavy burden for so long. I understand Peng Kun's death and his aunt's death was a domino effect, but I am still trying to logically understand his detective work and the desperation that eventually set the massacre into motion.

As always, a pleasure to read your words, Lily!

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by 40somethingahjumma

Just Wow! You have made me appreciate and understand Huo Bu Yi and Shao Sang's motives because of how you intelligently fleshed out the narrative surrounding them.

Truly a satisfying read! Thank you.😍😍😍

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by 40somethingahjumma

A pleasure to read your take on these flamboyant episodes.

It is indeed heartrending to watch her ask repeatedly "do you have something to tell me ?" and them being interrupted twice before his confession. Clearly these disturbances were not taken as sign to stay silent by the rational HWS, however they were pegs in the separation fence building up between our couple.

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