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I too have some expectations about the show; where it should go and what should happen. Only natural and human to have those. But ultimately, just like you, I'm just onboard the ShinLee bus to see where they take us too. That said, I guess it does help if one ignores or avoids over-analysing the upcoming episodes previews & teasers.

p.s. I think I'm on to my 4th rewatch of season 1 now bahahahahahaha. This breaks my record of rewatching Signal thrice.

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I think I've watched Signal three times as well. Prison Playbook also three times. I've seen Circle twice. Bad Guys probably 4 times.

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Not trying to push your favorite drama into a cookie cutter is a must.

I don't know if you remember BBC Sherlock - a huge international hit, a breakthrough in TV storytelling on many levels. The pressure the writers faced while doing their last season, S04, was enormous. Everyone and their dog had an opinion about how it should be - after all, they had a few years to think about it. And many people really, really shot themselves in the foot, because the show didn't (and couldn't) meet all those expectations and show all the little details and conversations vast parts of the audience were hoping to see.

As a result, it was almost a universal opinion that S4 was not good. But objectively, it was. It was the story the authors wanted to tell. Sure, it had flaws and some plot holes, but it also had the best pieces of dialogue and an emotional punch that knocked me out for a couple of weeks. I wasn't expecting any of what I was served. And I liked it better than all of my own theories combined.

I prefer to trust the talent. A writer's talent is an amazing thing. You need to listen to what they have to say in full - and then, perhaps, after a lot of reflection, give feedback, say how it made you feel, ask questions. But when you try to guide the writer's hand to make them do what you want, write what you know - what good can it bring?

It only happens with good writing, though. When a show is mediocre, there is little to none notes on the fan's side. And the fans' number is few.

Lol, I'm sitting on my hands not to watch anything except HP, because I want to enjoy it - much I enjoyed Sherlock in 2017. But season 1 is up for grabs. I enjoy all the parts, even the angsty ones. I don't think I could have handled some episodes if I watched it last year as an ongoing - the suspense would kill me. So, I think, after a few months, all episodes of S02 will be equally nourishing for a rewatch, even the "heavier" ones. We just have five of them left, *sigh*.

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I didn't know that there was a fourth season of Sherlock. I must check it out.

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Stephanie, dont worry about the 4th watch. I've rewatched Season 1 at least 10 times and now can watch without subs cos I know entire conversations haha. Like all of you, I'm on the Shin-Lee bus full on. I trust that they have a bigger picture that they are painting, and are seeing it unveil piece by piece each episode. I'll hold any judgement for now and wait for the story to unfold, like some slow food fiesta :) after all slow food is not just a feast for the eyes but the senses too.

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