Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

I second that "Arggggggggghhhhh" and wholeheartedly agree with your take on the WG relationship. Much as I like the fluff, they need to build a more solid foundation before saying their wedding vows. It was very poignant that Jeong-won chose to propose at the cathedral. It was as if Lord Himself told him, 'no, it's not the right time, my boy.'

Great observations about moms, all of them. I teared up. <3

You and your husband are such optimists, lol. May it be. I am all for weddings & parties - at the right time.

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Well, you know, it's a guessing game we have going. LOL. My daughter thinks that after Min-ah's fifth attempt, Seok-hyeong will be the one asking her out. I said he might say "yes" after the fifth attempt.

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

He'd better! More on this in another comment. Ugh. I'm still reeling from this episode.

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I am with your daughter on this... as much as I hate to see MH disappointed, I also want to see that it's SH who is the initiating/proactive side when it comes to their formal courting vs. passive.

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

This episode broke my heart in so many places I lost count. But you know, it is a good kind of hurt. The one that makes you sober and aware.

The first one was the theme of aging, particularly, aging parents, their troubles and illnesses, and quirks. The show deals with its elders beautifully, they are so breathing, so dimensional. Even Seok-hyeong’s mom. She may come across arrogant and annoying, but she is not a caricature - I’ve actually met people like her. It’s more about insecurity and immaturity than malice. She hasn’t lived her life to the fullest, what’s with her unfortunate marriage, and her elevated position. At the same time, she’s not heartless, she values her friends, the company she’s able to secure at her age. And I bet if Min-ha becomes her daughter-in-law, she will challenge her just right…

You know, this episode is the first one across two seasons when I truly believed the GomGom relationship was a possibility - because of one (1) Seok-hyeong’s expression when Hong-do was praising Min-ha’s sense of humor (in the exact same words Gyeo-ul said to her bf, I believe). Was it, perhaps, jealousy, or other hint of possessiveness? To the point where this recluse would voluntarily join the team meals to observe his chief resident around the intern?

(And yes, I’m writing that much about this part of the show because it was the only one that didn’t give me acute heartache but some hope instead, lol.)

Because Jun-wan sitting on a floor with a crumbling bun and a puddle of soda (man, I’ve been there) - and Jun-wan in general = heartbreak.

Ik-jun longingly staring at Song-hwa, and then into the fire, much like U-ju did = heartbreak.

Real life interrupting a fairytale-like WG proposal set to the sappiest OST of all time = triple heartbreak. (Did they have to mention break-up in this episode twice? Did they?!)

And all the guardians’ stories, starting with the security guard and ending with a Pediatric fellow who just lost it because of her worry = well, I am not a very emotional person, but I was pretty heartbroken.

There were some other good things, though. The editing of the opening sequence of the show was a chef’s kiss. These paradigmatic transitions between the scenes - Hong-do’s unwashed hair => Gyeo-ul’s freshly washed hair => Gyeo-ul’s coffee cup => Seok-hyeong’s coffee tumbler => Seok-hyeong’s car => Song-hwa’s car => Song-hwa’s entering the elevator => Jun-wan’s leaving the elevator… ugh, so well-done. Musical cuts also became better compared to the first part of the season. And all the subtle things I’m so fond of are still there.

(So, if Jun-wan’s going to his mom’s birthday next episode, please make sure he meets Ik-sun there, author-nim! Otherwise, why mention it at all?!)

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Watching Jun-wan on the floor and cleaning the floor after himself was quite confronting. It was symbolic to my mind of him having to clean up the mess left behind by the breakup on his own. That's the part I really object to in the entire business with Ik-sun. It's one thing to inflict misery oneself, it's another to do it to someone else and hide away. He's still very professional and honest but he deserves to be treated with the same respect and honesty.

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

And with just silence in that scene. Gosh my heart. I just want Junwan to burst into ugly heart wrenching sobs because I feel he really needs that to begin his journey to properly move on from Iksun. I'm not completely against their reunion but at this rate, I'm not even sure if it's the right thing for them. Junwan with his inability to deal with being lonely (which further amplifies his heartbreak) and Iksun with her still carrying the trauma from her past relationship.

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

I agree. At this point, I don't want a reunion, unless something really wondrous happens, and Ik-sun makes it up to him big-time. Just give Professor Kim a break, please.

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

I know that conflict is necessary BUT i just HOPE that wingar can resolve theirs next ep 😭 (i’m a bit scared that shinlee will pull a bidulgi and break up wingar 😩) i hope they can be there for each other esp since both of their moms are sick 😭🤧

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

One bidulgi breakup is one too many. Don't go there, show *fingers crossed"

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

i know! but you know what, i think it is better this way. i think it is more painful if gyeoul actually REJECTED jeongwon’s proposal… idk there is just isn’t enough gyeoul pov regarding marriage so i am unsure whether she would have said yes to jeongwon at that time. i know that she appeared wistful watching silverdragon’s proposal but her family background seems too heavy and might impact her views about marriage ? anyway i just really want to know more about gyeoul’s story 😌

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I don't think she would necessarily turn him down because honestly, I've seldom seen two people who are more besotted with each other on K telly. But like what Anne said before, it is as if God is telling Jeong-won that it's not time yet because there are things that need to be out in the open.

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

And we certainly will. You know, it's very unusual to be THIS unsure about a couple with THIS amount (and quality) of fluff scenes in a K-drama... I mean, we got a lot of hints that WG is an endgame. But for some reason (ahem, episode 7 out of 12?), the worry is still very much there... that actually speaks volume about the writers' talent. They got us. They can play with our hearts.

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True. But I'm really not that concerned. These are the sorts of things that all couples have to contend with at one time or another. If it isn't family stuff, it's somebody's past. As Jeong-won says to her often when she's gulping down food... "take it slowly".

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

Lol, I think this kind of anxiety has everything to do with us having to WAIT for a week to find out what happens to the couple everyone is so invested in. When you have all (say 40) episodes at the ready, nothing is terrifying or insurmountable. :) But being "in the timeline" is just too true to life. When your plans can be derailed, etc. It's actually fascinating to see (and feel).

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

definitely! it is already taking all my willpower to wait a week for one ep so i just cant wait for the series to finish before watching it all in one go. this is the pitfall of watching an ongoing series hehehe

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Hahaha. This is why I usually watch 3 dramas at any given time. It gives me something else to worry about. I'm slightly obsessed with Devil Judge these days and it really helped me to cope with not having Racket Boys and HP on my screen.

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I shouldn't think so. I see this more as an obstacle rather than a precursor to a breakup. Nothing is insurmountable if there's the will to make it work.

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Have been reading your blog and newsletters on Hospital Playlist since the time I found it while waiting for season 2.....and am in love with your analysis and viewpoints. Jang Gyeoul not coming to the cathedral...was kind of something that I did not see coming, but then when it happened, it kind of made sense, specially when you see the parallel scenes in their relationship. But obviously that did made me feel sad as I saw Jeongwon waiting there for Jang Gyeoul, and it was similar to what I felt in season 1 when Jang Gyeoul was lied to by him. Overall, this whole episode was kind of sad. Seeing Junwan after the Winter-Garden office scene, made me feel sad after a small bit of happiness. But I am glad that he now knows that Iksun is now back in Korea, but he cannot ask Ikjun about her. And our Uju feeling sad just because of a fight with his girlfriend Mone and Mama Rosa forgetting things. Well that is life, you get sad parts along with happy parts.

I kind of agree with you that Jang Gyeoul's hesitancy in saying about her family is little bit similar to Iksun's decision of breakup. It is a bit of concern that she is not sharing her problems regards with her family. I just hope that she does not hide her family concerns from Jeongwon. I was actually thinking that if WinterGarden will face any problem, then communication could be one of the reasons of their problem, specifically when she/he won't be sharing their problems with each other. Now we are getting that, I just hope that they will overcome this. I hope that Jang Gyeoul will be able to share her family concerns with Jeongwon. I hope she realises that she is perfect already to him, and I wish she could see herself from his eyes. And we get only hope is from Gom-Gom couple. Seokhyeong is definitely becoming comfortable with her! Will be waiting for next episode!

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Thanks for giving us your perspective and I agree that on second thought, the proposal that didn't happen now seems inevitable considering the other instance of Gyeo-ul not saying anything about her mother and why she got worked up over the patient who was being abused by her husband. That's not to say that Gyeo-ul is right but it's not without precedence.

Don't be a stranger and join the conversation anytime.

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

This episode made me deeply sad and utterly confused. I don't think I will rewatch this in the near future. This episode made me sadder than the Jun-Wan episode.

First, I found the episode a bit cluttered and lacks cohesion for some reason. There's Ik-Jun being the busybody (the escalator shot was fantastic) then there's Seok-Hyeong being more sociable then the camping scene then Rosa forgetting things then Wintergarden's lovely scenes then Gyeo-ul's mom emergency.

I felt that the stories jumped from one thing to another without so much cohesion. However, I also realized that this is episode 7 and just like a puzzle, everything will make sense starting episode 8.

GomGom: Good for Seok-Hyeong for being more sociable. Having his second lunch to spend time with Min-Ha and his team is wonderful to see!

Ik-Song: I was just sad that Uju was heartbroken the entire time they were camping. He has always wanted to do that but when it finally happen, he didn't get to enjoy it.

Jun-Wan: I'm just too sad for him especially when he ended up cleaning his own mess (which is obviously metaphorical). He's been sad for far too long.

WinterGarden: Although it broke my heart, it really wasn't the right time but I have no doubt that Gyeo-ul will accept the proposal and they will have a wedding this season. Whatever family backstory Gyeo-ul has, this is a normal thing any relationship would have to deal with. This will not be a deal-breaker or all hell will break loose for ShinLee :D

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

I think, the episode also lacked a moment of true levity, something that would make us laugh out loud. Even the band practice was unusually short. Ep. 7 tackled a lot of difficult topics throughout, and the last 10 minutes came as a slap in the face. And it ended there. Left us hanging. Urgh.

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

Indeed. The episode opened with a seemingly fun Iksong x Uju camping trip but really just served us heartbreak & angst - Uju's and Ikjun's

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Agree with Steph and Anne. Even the band song left me sad. I remember thinking, "I'm not yet interested to add this song in my Spotify playlist."

Looks like episode 8 will be about the parents: moms of Gyeo-ul, JW, and Song-Hwa. These were all laid out in episode 7, anyway, and the previews also touched on these.

The only thing that comforts me now is that I believe episode 7 are building blocks for the remaining episodes of the season. I know that there are still fun episodes given the 2nd half preview (Ik-Jun and Jun-Wan's hair-pulling and tennis table match).

I'm also confident that WinterGarden will be okay. Even when the 2nd half preview shows JW crying, it also showed that he was casually ignoring the hair-pulling of Ik-Jun and Jun-Wan). Hahahaha! :D

Damn, ShinLee! They really know how to mess with our emotions! Hahahaha! :D

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Lol, I feel you! This week's ost is so jarring when you compare it to what we've got, I intend to avoid it until the very end of the season and maybe even after that.

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HAHA! I thought it was quite a lovely song up till the scene of it softly playing in the background with Jeongwon seated outside looking dejected and lost in his thoughts.

I think what helps me to be able to enjoy the song now is the the English translation of the song lyrics which makes me think that it reflects Jeongwon's heartfelt promise and proposal to Gyeoul that he's in it for the long haul on both good and bad days.

- The door is wide open whenever

The scent is asking for you

Are you realising it -

Link here: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/you%EB%84%88%EC%97%90%EA%B2%8C-you.html

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Told you it is the sappiest song in the universe, with all those garden-winter (they changed autumn sky for winter sky, or so Twitter says) metaphors galore. Who needs wedding vows when you have a song like this? And YYS sings it really, really well... But you know, the denouement killed everything - and I mean EVERYTHING!

Just imagine, Jeong-wong sings this sappy ballad in the company of his best friends (who are onto something, because Jun-wan looks like someone is pulling out his teeth), then goes to the hospital at 2 am to see the girlfriend he wishes to invite into his garden, lets her nap on his strong sturdy body, sleeps heaven knows where, because in the morning, when he and the gf meet outside the ER, he wears the same set of clothes as during the rehearsal... comes to the official cathedral date in the most daring suit imaginable - and for some reason, lets the gf get there by taxi instead of picking her up... and we let ourselves be deceived by the song, when everything changes in like 10 seconds, and suddenly there is ANOTHER ring not taken (Ik-jun and Jun-wan can relate so hard), the screen fades to black, see you next Thursday, maybe.

And the next morning, the show is like, here is our new wintergarden song, buy, download, rejoice!..

...Well, you know what, it doesn't work this way.

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Lol, my chronology of events is all askew, but I hope you get my meaning. :)

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Aug 7, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

Ha ha, reading it this way, it’s funny!

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Aug 8, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

Agree with you on this one. I felt really sad while watching Episode 7, especially I’m weak when it comes to parents stories like this. The last part when Rosa forgetting her passcode? Damn I’m a mess and started to think about my mom

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40somethingahjumma1 min ago

It's interesting that this is exactly how I felt about Episode 6 the first time I watched it. Coming off the high of Episode 5 (which I loved), I found 6 a bit flat at first and actually more disjointed than this one. But after rewatching it, I changed my mind somewhat about the quality although it's not one of my favourites from this season because I think that an episode about interns and residents blundering about doesn't have the same storytelling power for me. That's not to say I didn't like anything about the episode but overall it was less memorable.

Whereas it was very clear to me what the common thread of this episode was and so thematically it makes complete sense to me and that served as the unifying factor. That said, I understand the disappointment from the larger HP fandom about the seeming lack of progress with the lovelines. I don't agree that there's no progress but that's a post for another time.

What also hurt this episode I suspect is the preemption. The break didn't come at a good time during the flow of the storytelling. If the show had continued from Episode 6, the impact of 7's angst could have been cushioned. But viewers have been waiting eagerly for 2 weeks and they got a proposal that didn't happen. It seemed like the WG that have gone forward so much and now they're going backwards apparently.

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

If we go back to the idea that Eps 1 to 6 has been a very long epilogue of Season 1, then Ep 7 is actually really the start of Season 2, and it will make sense to see this episode as the building blocks of the remaining 5 episodes, which will answer the questions 1) will IkSong and Gom-Gom happen, 2) will Bidulgi get back together, 3) will we have a WinterGarden wedding, 4) what will happen to Rosa and Jungsu.

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Omo, so many things, so few episodes! Just give me a wedding (with YYS in yet another suit, lol), and no-one will get hurt!

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LOL this is me as well! Shinlee better give us a wingar wedding! imagine their wedding vows 😭 also i know gyeoul only having 1 set of clothes is endearing but i just want to see her in a dress pls

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Please with him also again removing his suit jacket. Gotta hand it to Gyeoul, she did not bat an eyelid.

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Hahahah we all dound like pervs here! Lol

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Pure souls talking about suit jackets and not about the completely unnecessary shower scene...

Most WG scenes make me feel like I'm intruding on their privacy. They even broke the fourth wall in this episode (by looking out from the office window) to confirm that I should be embarrassed of myself. BUT I AM NOOOOOOT.

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I wonder if it means that the last 5 episodes would be even faster-paced. I hope they would not rush through things (it is okay to add a few more episodes :P). As much as I see this is an encouraging sign that we may have S3 so some stories can be finished there, also want to have some kind of closure on them so we do not have to wait for another year or more to see the continuation. Hoping to see a wedding... but that is making me greedy and wanting to see WG as parents as well, LOL.

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If Season 3 is on we might get another cliffhanger ending though.... Just be prepared mentally of that possibility.

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

The 2-week break, the preview, all the floating theories......all did not help me as my expectation of things are a bit more rosy, hence, I was winded with what happened. I did not expect that they will tie-up Gyeoul's family history with the proposal, I honestly thought those 2 will be tackled separately. Lesson learned, not to digest too much their previews and lessen my reading of theories and possibilities floating around. :)

As for Gyeoul, she is my kdrama spirit animal, hence I totally get her reticence. One twitter comment did mentioned that its easier for those with ideal childhood to be open and bright, however it can be different for those with a not so ideal house environment. On top of that, if she was brought up to keep things within the family especially if that was her Mom's teachings or how she dealt with things, then that will be Gyeoul's default as well.

Also, I am not looking forward to Mama Rosa's storyline, hers is the one that really gets me coz that diagnosis is just brutal. If we are really gonna have a diagnosis for her, can we just have one that can be cured by surgery and then she'll have full recovery? Diagnosis of dementia possibly leading to AD is just so sad and irreversible...

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

In case this offers any temporary relief, I saw someone comments that Mama Rosa's symptoms might be due to Hydrocephalus, which is common among the elderly and can be cured and some symptoms reversed. I am hoping this is the case. I want to see her happy, mentally alertly happy, and enjoy the rest of her life as a happy mom, a happy mother-in-law, and a happy grandma!

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Aug 7, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

Thank you for shooting me this message, and yes, it is a great relief if that is the case. Taking into account the gradual symptoms, I really think there is gonna be a diagnosis and not just part of the usual ageing process, hence hydrocephalus is a better option than AD. Though I don't think we have enough episodes to see a Grandma Rosa babysitting her twin grandkids, but my imagination and AO3 still wants to see this happen. ;p

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

I'll talk about the lighthearted moments first! Yoo Yeon Seok in a suit. 2 different ones. OOF my eyes and heart. I'm ashamed to say that I replayed the scene of him taking off his suit jacket a few times 👀. Also Minha's subtle confrontation of SK's mother was the healing moment I never knew I needed. 😂

Ep 7 was tough one, I really need Junwan to have some reprieve like right now. Him sitting on the floor in that silent & empty apartment, cleaning up his choked up food... If there was ever a time to describe his loneliness as jarring... The worst bit is the poor man can never properly grieve since the object of his heartbreak is so near yet so far. Time heals all wounds but space is crucial as well. I lurk mostly on Reddit and see some comments calling out his friends for not being there for Junwan. I don't think it fair to accuse them of that as I believe they are not fully aware of how hurt he was and still is. We first see this through Songhwa asking him with surprise if he's still not over Bidulgi. Coming from my own real life experiences, even our closest dearest friends or loved ones, will never truly know how we feel. And even if they do have some sort of inkling of it, they're at a lost on how to support you with it lest it's taken as being too intrusive or overwhelming. Most of the time people lapse into the easiest way which is to give the hurting party space and a well wishing message that they can reach out anytime. And even if it does involve constant meet ups to take their mind off the hurt or crying & consolation fests, it's just never enough.

Wintergarden - we were fed so much cute and fluffy scenes of the 2 right up to the first half of ep 7 and then we got the unsuccessful proposal 😫 honestly I yelled out in dismay (at 12am Singapore time LOL, hope my neighbours don't kill me when I see them in the lift). But I don't think we got here out of pure dramatic flair just to prolong this couple's slow burn to endgame-dom. With this drama being in the slice of life genre, all these while I've been justifying to myself that perhaps WG had their serious conversations and meeting the fam behind the scenes. Even for Ikjun's divorce, we didn't get a confirmation till later on when he opened up to his patient who refused to take her meds (back then to me I was still uncertain if his divorce was completed). Thus my take on WG in season 2 is that ShinLee has been feeding us all that WG fluff in the first half of season 2 only to build up to this moment and expose how their relationship is still pretty much on the surface and sort of walking on eggshells in terms of deeper issues. I don't doubt their feelings for each other but more of them not being completely honest or forthcoming about their concerns and burdens. It does also seem like Gyeoul still places Jeongwon on a pedestal which stops her from sharing the seemingly inconvenient or bad parts of herself or her life with someone she views as the embodiment of sainthood or perfection (lol her words not mine). Then we have Jeongwon not sharing big plans like to set up a children's hospital and also to me, Jeongwon's unmet need and wish for Gyeoul to be vulnerable with him. The multiple instances where he tells Gyeoul that he wishes to share her burden and to also share with him any concerns or issues that she has is really telling of this wish of his. To me what drives home this point is Mama Rosa mentioning that her children have always been chatty -> Jeongwon wants to hear everything about Gyeoul! In that ending scene of Jeongwon sitting outside the cathedral in the dark, looking dejected and lost in his thoughts, I really don't think it's purely from his disappointment in the disruption of his plans nor with Gyeoul not making it. I do feel her message that was quite vague despite the promise of telling him everything next time once again opened up that nagging thought of his that Gyeoul chooses to keep the bad parts from him.

My takeaway is that physical intimacy does not replace the highly important emotional intimacy. It brings to mind again Songhwa's advice to Seokhyung to talk more even if it's seemingly useless things because communication is the key to building close relationships. Hence, I'm curious as to how they would approach this conflict/issue after we've got Bidulgi's version of conflict resolution (or not really 😅).

(I went and wrote a whole essay gosh)

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

I agree with you, knowing Gyeoul has to go to Gwangju, Jeongwon probably knows that it is so important. But what makes Jeongwon upset is even after few times he told her to tell anything to him, she's still postpone it till later. Although I'm aware that Gyeoul's situation isn't easy either.

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

Indeed. It's a complex issue especially so with Gyeoul coming off as a highly independent and a private person. Personality aside, generally people don't easily open up, ironically still an uphill task with the ones they know they should /wouldn't judge them. Sometimes it's actually easier to bare your heart to strangers or people you know you'll never see again.

Hmmm do you think Gyeoul is also being abit of a noble idiot by choosing to protect Jeongwon from her family situation?

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

Right now, I'm being generous and thinking that this topic just never came up at the right moment. I know, I know, a year is a long time. But they are busy people. Plus, I don't know about Korea, but for my mainland Chinese friends, family is a topic that almost never comes up in a conversation. I know virtually nothing about my friend of 10+ years' parents. I've been to her apartment but never to her parents' house. It is strange though, because in a situation like Gyeo-ul's, I would shoot a text along the lines, "My mom is at the ER, I need to go to her" - you don't need to explain your family situation for this, it's a universal thing. Her wording and apologizing says that she knew he had been looking forward to that date and felt guilty for disappointing him. Not quite the typical noble idiocy, but not exactly the straightforwardness we'd like to see.

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"Right now, I'm being generous and thinking that this topic just never came up at the right moment."

--> yes, and even if 1 year is a long time with both their punishing work schedules, I can see how there never seemed to be a good time to bring up such a heavy topic. Even with the lacking 5's long friendship of 20 plus years, we see that even they never knew of the entire picture of Jeongwon's family background until his father's passing.

"It is strange though, because in a situation like Gyeo-ul's, I would shoot a text along the lines, "My mom is at the ER, I need to go to her" - you don't need to explain your family situation for this, it's a universal thing."

--> (that's what I was yelling to my laptop screen when her message popped up lol. TELL HIM GYEOUL TELL HIM). In all seriousness, the tone of her message and choice of words does hint at something huge that she knows she has to share with Jeongwon in person. From her own mouth, she has said she can't lie so I'm waiting with bated breath for THE conversation to take place with no more avoidance.

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I'm actually thinking she probably suffered physically too, not just her mom. Which could be the reason of her hesitancy to share with Jeongwon. Im thinking of the worst case scenario possible :(

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It occurred to me that she's her mom's emergency contact. Not her dad who should live closer, in theory. I so don't like it.

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I've been ruminating about the various possibilities as well and it doesn't help that one of my close friend's a child protection officer who sometimes shares a little about the cases she handles :( Thursdays seems to far away arghhhhh

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I don't think it's noble idiocy, she promises him to tell it later. Also I think it's more because Gyeoul put Jeongwon in high pedestal that's why she's afraid to show him a dark part of her, if indeed it's truly about family issue.

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Indeed which makes me anxious about what the whole background and situation involves 😕

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I just hope she wasnt abuse beyond the physical. Been reading so many cases of sexual abuse of minors these days... By birth parents, no less.

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ME TOO. But I do think that's really too heavy and sensitive a topic to be explored in a kdrama of that timeslot & rating, and with only 5 episodes left.

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All good dear and it's full of good stuff. The essay was warranted because there were things you needed to get off your chest.

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

Thank you for your kind words! <3

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

Loooooved the essay! 😍 Yeah, my neighbors seem to have a similar problem with me watching HP at night... but in return, I am mum about quite a bit of bad guitar music. But I digress. Great points throughout your musings. I particularly agree that friends can only do so much for a 40 year man with a demanding profession who really-really wants to get married (my moment of semi-levity was his domestic scene with Jae-hak) but can't get closure because his gf chose not to give him anything of the sort. He behaves like a guilty party when in fact, he's an injured party, and the more time passes, the more my ears perk up at mentions of new CS residents/fellow, because really, a cute besotted girl like Min-ha might do him good (though we are not going to get THAT, are we).

Regarding your opinion on WG and Jeong-Won not sharing his plans, it seems like he didn't discuss marriage with her either. Or meeting each other's parents. Maybe they've been trying to preserve this happy bubble for too long. Maybe Gyeo-ul was too busy with her studies and work (she's really into it). Maybe it's the age gap. But it was a high time for them to face some difficult together outside a OR. We'll see how they get through it. She promised to tell him everything three times in her text. And she stated that she can't lie twice. Time to check whether it is true.

Thank you again for your comment! 🥰

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

Friends for life or to the grave still doesn't matter when the person he is pining for just isn't there right??? Gosh how many times have I had to sacrifice my liver and sleep to support a friend through a breakup only for them to revert back to moping or scheming up ways to get back with their former partners. After awhile I learnt that I can't do much to heal their heart break apart from letting them know I'm always here. Ultimately it's something they needed to learn from and deal with.

And yes high time indeed for that turning point in their happy fluffy bubble! Fingers crossed to seeing patient, loving, and honest conversations between the 2 😍🤞

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

Yoo Yeonseok in a suit x 2 was the happy highlight of this episode (i rewind to the scene of him taking off his jacket too. Dont need to be shy!). That black suit was haawt beyond words!

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You made such good points! Hmm I saw a theory on twitter that Junwan and Jeongwon contrast each other so I think wingar’s resolution will be different to that of bidulgi’s. As to Jeongwon’s dream, I would think that he shared that to gyeoul already and we’re just not privy to it? I agree though that the main conflict is gyeoul’s refusal to show her vulnerability to jeongwon. But I fully understand her since it seems that her family issue is complex and maybe even traumatic.

I was also unsettled by the fact that gyeoul is still so formal with jeongwon. Why did she have to introduce herself when she texted him? :(

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

Yeah, and he's firmly "Professor Ahn Jeong-won" in her phone too... But you know, it can just be a cultural thing. She's obviously had a very traditional upbringing. Dropping formalities is something she's very reluctant to do. I think, Min-ha is the only exception at the hospital. Jeong-won is much older, and he's her perfectly saintly empathic man who saves lives and treats her like a queen. It's very unlikely that she considers herself his equal. Kissing him first is the most daring thing she dares. Which is not nothing. But they surely need some equalizing.

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"Why did she have to introduce herself when she texted him? :(" --> Right? I did a double take when I realized that she introduced herself. Woman, you've now been together for 1 year + was that really necessary? I guess it could be a slip into formalities to try and get a grip or bearings in a difficult situation.

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Old habits die hard and cultural norms are really hard to shake. This is not the first K drama I've watched where the couples continue using titles even while dating. Sometimes even when they're married.

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In lighthearted moments, I don't know if it can be said or not, but there was one scene of Jang Gyeoul being appreciated as a Doctor by her patients...that was one good moment for her...perhaps to show that she is becoming competent? I kind of related to her character in first season (because of her innocent love and pining and also, not many people are able to understand me), so I was happy that there was someone to appreciate her, when they were showing viewpoints from the patients. This episode was overall sad and I just want to collect all the good moments from this episode and keep them in my mind while waiting for the next episode. I am liking the story, but it was so sad, specifically about Mama Rosa forgetting things....I will be in hangover of this episode for whole week! Seems to have become a daily routine for me!

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

Oh, I agree! That was a good scene for our Gyeo-ulie. Finally, someone appreciated her simple understated bedside manner. This was something she should have shared with her boyfriend, too!

Mama Rosa's actress killed me back in Start Up where she played a halmoni who was slowly losing her eyesight, so I'm not looking forward to her excellent acting of yet another untreatable health condition at all...

But let's not be sad for too long! This drama never ponders on sad things for too long. After all, we got a pretty decent ending in S01, and before going on a break, the showrunners made sure to give us an uplifting Ep. 6. Here's to more swoony WG moments and a happy Jun-wan real soon! 🥂

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

I initially thought when they have communication issue, it would be Jeongwon who hesitant to share his things since he doesn't wanna burden Gyeoul, turns out to be the opposite. Actually, I don't expect as a straightforward person and the way they described Gyeoul as say what she wanna say, it could be one of her issue with Jeongwon. But then I think more of it that it could be really a burdensome for her. Being the lone ranger all along, she may have tendencies of fixing things by herself first (it has been proven).

And yeah I have the same mind regarding she wants it to be perfect only with Jeongwon. She sees Jeongwon as someone perfect, her defect background could be the reason she's insecure and not ready to open her imperfect side to Jeongwon. On the other hand I think Jeongwon is so ready to move a mountain for her.

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Yeah i agree with you! Gosh I love that last sentence 😭 I honestly dont think that they have a communication issue per se (like the one Bidulgi had). Wingar can talk to each other about their feelings and their worries. Gyeoul has consulted Jeongwon before about her problem at work and has even made it clear to him her preferred love language. And though we did not see it, it seems that Jeongwon talked to Gyeoul about his S1 behavior. I think Gyeoul just has a problem with this particular issue, her family background.

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Yeah maybe just in this particular part that Gyeoul isn't easy to communicate with Jeongwon. We've seen she asked something from Jeongwon (to show hs affection), so I guess they communicate just fine on the other parts.

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"On the other hand I think Jeongwon is so ready to move a mountain for her."

--> Oh my, like @Sam I love that last sentence too! The lyrics of the new OST does reflect that to me as well, the extent of Jeongwon's unconditional and sincere love for Gyeoul is just so.... my heart is full. I hope that gives Gyeoul the strength to speak about difficult things with him <3

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True the lyrics are just so beautiful. Whoever producer who chose the song should get a raise *sobs*. It's Jeongwon talks to Gyeoul, that he welcome her, scars and all.

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

I like this episode. Not love, but like. It's keeping it real - like HP always has - the proposal that wasn't (those 2 are so fluffy and cute it's almost unreal, about time for some real honesty and conflict), the lonely man cleaning his own mess in an empty house (Junwan needs to heal, right now he is just running away), aging parents falling ill (Oh, ROSA! I'm so worried for her!)

And did anyone notice Ikjun's expression during the camping trip when Songhwa went to sleep? That mix of agony, so close yet so far... Sigh. I wanna hug him, Junwan and Jeongwon!

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

Yes! Oh gosh Ikjun, those eyes full of longing and regret. I have a whole lot of feels for Ikjun x Songhwa as well but I'm sticking with my current approach of waiting-and-seeing LOL. Their 'will they or won't the??' is maddening, Songhwa is now the wall that Jeongwon was in season 1 and Ikjun the pining party that Gyeoul was...

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

The thing HP does to your heart is my gosh! It's as if they have seen us personally go through the situations. I could relate it as a parent and also as a child of ageing parents and other elders in the family. Been guilty of being an over bearing parent at times! Just few days back I was talking to my cousin and she was mentioning about my hypochondriac aunt(her mom) who used to be so stoic and faced multiple health issues in the past with much grace and courage. In the initial scenes where Song-hwa was annoyed with her mom was the first time I see her getting annoyed at someone.

Poor mama Rosa, hope she gets treated and finds a not so difficult dementia journey in front of her.

Four weddings - even the thought is elating! I can even take 2 this season and 2 next season :) Would like Jun-wan to find happiness like yesterday, though the other love stories are also moving at a slow pace, but moving they are. He is stuck for more than a year at the same place.

I feel that Ik-sun bolted because Jun-wan would give up his wishes for a marriage and kids to be with her and he isn't the one to give up on his gf because she has some chronic health issues. If that’s the case, she should have broken up with that honest reason!

Yeah I too chuckled at the 'kimchi fried rice and dumplings in my dream'! Way to go Seok-yeong!

'Those two will now have to end up together if for no other reason then to teach Mummy Dearest..' - ha ha, true!

Loved how Ik-jun and Song-hwa didn’t giggle or look down on Ui-ju’s heart break! That’s some mature adults there! They both feel like self-actualized individuals, and I too am okay with their relationship either being status quo or becoming a couple!

And Ik-jun is an inssa not just for gossips and news about his close tier of connections also cares about almost everyone he comes in regular contact with doesn’t feel surprising - yeah that’s uri Ik-jun!

And to our whipped couple – it makes sense that the time is not yet right for the proposal! Gyoeul hasn’t opened up to Jeong-won about her family after more than a year feels a bit unrealistic to me. I understand why it’s hard for her, keeping him in a pedestal but at the same time one year is a long time for this topic to not have cropped up. Because Jeong-won’s love is so unconditional like your pet dog’s! He will love her no matter what and it is almost therapeutic! Given that, she would find it to her benefit to share her family story with him.

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Aug 6, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

It is so rare to find a piece of television that does it to you - makes you feel giddy one week and in shambles the next one... But it's always with a good intention and valuable lessons, not to just defy the audience's expectations... We are really lucky to have that and to have this blog as a meeting ground to share our insights on the show and life equally - and much thanks for your insights, they made my morning. 🌺

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Aug 7, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

Yes, same here, thanks for your insights too dear and thanks to this blog which help share and read the various insights!❤️

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Aug 7, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

Just coming back here to say that I love your blog and the comments! I am so GRATEFUL for this community. Everyone is so warm and smart hehehe Going here always helps me understand every hosplay ep deeper. Coming here after every ep has definitely become my favorite habit ❤️

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Aug 7, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

Same thoughts here❤️

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You're very welcome.

But it's people like yourself that makes this community what it is too.

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I can't believe I lost a whole essay/comment on your post because I accidently pulled my phone's screen. Arrrrgghhhh...

But anyway I have a little different take. There were three instances where we saw a patient's family lost it; the brother whose sister was going through transplant surgery, Yunbok who remembered her own hellish experience and a pediatric doctor who screamed, cried and begged the doctors to check on her child despite taking care of sick children was her daily job. In all those scenes Gyeoul was there, she observed, but unlike Yunbok and Ikjun who immediately understood how it felt based on their own similiar experiences, Gyeoul only nodded because she's never been in the situation (?).

In the last scene, she suddenly received that emergency call. Her mother needed emergency sugery and they needed her verbal consent. That meant her mother was in the verge of death and she had to undergo surgery right here right now and for a very bad reason they could not ask her husband's consent (was he unconcious? Dead?).

When a doctor receives an emergency call, her mind goes blank. A life is at stake. Must get there immediately. All while monitoring the patient's vitals via phone. Seokhyeong speed through redlights, Junwan left the bandpractice, Gyeoul left her untouched noodles. Imagine Gyeoul receiving an emergency call about her own mother.

The fact that she took time to write to Jeongwon during that extreme condition itself was amazing. Meant she didn't forget him even as her world was collapsing.

Gyeoul's calm voiceover as Jeongwon read her text.. I take that was the way Jeongwon read her text, not the way she wrote it?

She introduced herself in a text to her own bf and her repetitive "later.. later.." could indicate she barely able to put her thoughts together.

I meant no offense, but I think it's too early to judge Gyeoul 'needed to open up more to Jeongwon' because she failed to show up on the day he planned to propose or tell him immediately about her current situation.

All in all, I really enjoy your review. I hope you'll be able to continue to post regularly even though the lockdown has been lifted. :)

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Aug 8, 2021Liked by 40somethingahjumma

I'm taking the risk you may hate me for bombing your post with my comments because I would really value your opinion on my interpretation.

As I read your review again, I strongly disagree with 'Gyeoul keeps secret'. She was an open book right from the start, when Jaehak asked him, "Do you like prof Lee?" She said "yes" (albeit not in the way Jaehak thought). She asked Ikjun to ask Jeongwon about her, when he said Jeongwon might know she liked him she said "I don't mind" she was just too shy to tell him herself. When Minha said if she likes Jeongwon, she admitted. She made funny, uncomfortable face when she pretended to date someone (courtesy to Ikjun's 'evil'plan to make Jeongwon jealous). She said herself she could not lie and Minha confirmed it. She could not lie to the professor to the point she thought of just telling them she broke up with the (fake) bf who proposed to her in season 1. She has that honesty of a child that Jeongwon likes. When she's upset, when she's sad, when she's happy, when she's jealous... it's all written on her face.

She didn't tell Jeongwon about the trouble in heart procurement and her mother's 4 am call, she also didn't ask for help in regard to the husband abuser. I don't think it's because she's hiding things, she just used to handle things alone (the only GS resident in 4 years). She finally learned from Jeongwon that she needed to ask for help if something beyond her capability ever happened again. And we should trust her when she said, "Now everything is fine. Aside from the fact that I made my patient suffer because I'm incompetent and dumb." The procurement issue was solved and I think, so was her mom's 'suspicious' call. Gyeoul could not lie.

The master of secret here was Ahn Jeongwon himself. He's the one who hides the fact he was a chaebol from his closest friends for 20 years. He initially denied his feelings for Gyeoul. He denied he'd said 'annyeong' to Gyeoul to Ikjun who eye-witnessed him doing so literally seconds ago. He lied to Gyeoul that he had to visit his mom. He kept straight face when he heard Gyeoul was dating. He lied when Ikjun asked whether he liked Gyeoul. He kept his identity as Daddy Long Legs a secret. He kept it a secret from the chairmain about what he did with the VIP funds. He lied to her when she asked how did he know Minha was staying with her the whole night she was in ER.

If I may be as bold, I think it's not Gyeoul who needs to open up more, it's Jeongwon. Did he tell her he was Daddy Long Legs? His patients' shelter? His dream of comprehensive children's hospital? After all, Jeongwon is the main character here. This is his journey. It's his life changing experience from priest to bride. Gyeoul is just waiting for his garden to open for her.

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I don't think we really disagree especially about Jeong-won because I haven't really talked much about his perspective in all of this. (And I don't hate anyone for having a different opinion) I think it's just a matter of looking at an event from different angles. It's like when there's a group of people who witness an accident and they see things from a particular vantage point. It's true that we have been overemphasizing Gyeo-ul's reticence about her family issues here because we are focused on Episode 7 and what transpired there. I think we've zoomed in on the text message here that is a little bit alarming from the standpoint of the fact that they've been together for over a year and she has not told him about some vital issues while he's already thinking about marriage. This is not about who is the better person because they do or don't hide information but rather the fact that there's stuff in the background that has to be dealt with before some other things (ie. healthy marriage) can be achieved.

I agree that Jeong-won is quite capable of keeping secrets and concealing information as much as anyone else. The evidence is there is S1 and even in this season. And I also made the point in my third post that Jeong-won probably knows more about what's going on with Gyeo-ul that he's letting on so yes, in that regard he also concealing what he suspects or knows. I also think that he could have been a little bit more upfront about his marriage plans. Have they ever talked about marriage prior?

Everyone conceals things from others. Often that's a sensible self-protection mechanism so that's not what this is about. This is about what people are concealing and from whom. I didn't have a problem with Jeong-won not talking about his struggles over the priesthood in S1 because he was still thinking it through and wondering. But I have a problem with Gyeo-ul not talking about that one issue with the man she may be thinking of spending the rest of her life with.

I never intended for my recent comments to be an attack on Gyeo-ul alone. I'm well-known for being an equal opportunity critic. ;)

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What issue she didn't talk about with him?

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