Always a pleasure to read your insights! I too think there's actually one more pediatric surgeon. A professor Lee Ji Yeong is mentioned once, if I recall correctly, in season 1 (by Jeongwon himself) and then again in season 2 episode 1 (when the nurses were talking about Yeonu). Both times her/his name was brought up in connection with surgery on a child.

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I love reading your insights especially when you make references to other literary masterpieces!

To me, Hospital Playlist is like a beautiful puzzle. Everything fits. You don't always see the big picture but every piece, every scene, every frame leads you to that one remarkable puzzle. That to me is beautiful.

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And on that note, I look forward to the episode that they will show who Professor Ban is (the one who plays Freecell all day). Hahahaha!

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I wonder what the big secret is. Is it a Prison Playbook cameo?

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I did indulge in a bit of name dropping. ;)

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Thanks for this masterpiece about the drama. I still don’t get why people are looking for flaws and try to bring down the show.

I must say that Hospital Playlist indeed have a main and secondary stories. It’s true that in its information they say that it’s center to the five friends. And I agree with you that it goes beyond them.

At the end the final star is the hospital because we’re not only seeing how 99ers they normally unwrap their lives personally and occupationally, but also it tells the story of the patients that are looking for some answers and help.

And this is what it attracts me to this drama. In one episode I can have a whirlwind of emotions due to the stories that are been told.

We can say that every department have their separate story but some it intertwines with the main story.

By the way, I support your pet theory ^^

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Nothing I've seen so far in S2 suggests that my pet theory has no foundation. In fact there's more proof of its possibility. So I'm sticking to my guns. :D

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I agree!! Can’t wait to see that :D

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I agree with your pet theory. Wedding will happen soon. Eagle-eyed fans have also spotted a "weddings and party" sign during their hand-holding scene. Hahahaha!

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That was some impressive detective work.

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I remember reading that PD Shin snd Writer Lee's idea of this drama is to show what happens to people in a hospital, where life and death intersects daily. And the story is told through these 5 friends from college who happen to be doctors at the same hospital. So your insight that the main character is Yulje Medical Centre isnt far off.

What are people who criticise the drama not catching then? Maybe they aren't seeing the point that this drama is about people in a hospital - doctors, nurses, patients - not so and so's romance and life.

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