This is the third of three parts in a conversation that I had with absoluteM from Janghaven Forums where we discussed Taxi Driver S2 for the first 10 minutes or so. From there we went on to discuss other shows that we’ve been watching.
Taxi Driver S2’s themes and attractions
Shin Jae-ha’s role in Taxi Driver S2.
Shows with multiple leads and their own romances. I mistitle A Gentleman’s Dignity during our chat.
I talk about Unchained Love and A League of Noblemen.
I look forward to more Jing Boran in Road Home with Seven Tan Songyun.
We say why we don’t dig xianxia (Chinese fantasy dramas)
Love to Hate You
absolute breaks down Our Blooming Youth
What kinds of historical dramas we like
absoluteM reviews Call It Love
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