I am just here to say. Yessss! You're watching and it makes me so very happy. I'll be back for a proper comment of just me gushing that you're watching.

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LOL. Well, you and absoluteM were very persuasive.

It's a lot of fun and I'm enjoying it. It's not hard to see that Cui Xingzhou is falling for the Liu Miantang.

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Sometimes I forget that your blog is dedicated to talking tropes, because there’s so much lovely things you discuss about dramas beyond the tropes. But it’s always especially a treat for me when I am able to read things you post for dramas I am watching.

LOL when you said, “There’s nothing new about contract marriage as a trope but its recent mutations among the web dramas often leave me scratching my head or pulling my hair out over the competition to see which ones can outdo themselves in the bad plot stakes.” As cliché as so many stories are, I believe execution plays the biggest role in how one is able to retell something over and over again. My friend and I discussed how this drama is like a longer, period Chinese drama of the movie, “Overboard” with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell.

Regarding Xingzhou’s mom, I wonder if there’s some sort of translation issue because I was struggling to figure out if I missed something. Based on what I gathered, Xingzhou’s late dad won the title of Prince of Huaiyang from military merits. But then I am unsure why they call Xingzhou’s mom Consort Dowager. Because then wouldn’t Xingzhou’s aunt be some royalty too?

This is really beautifully written and said: “Emotions are transient but effort over time earns currency that converts into trust. And trust is at the root of everything.”

And followed by more me gushing of your writing: “To accommodate Miantang’s resolutions, he can’t insist on doing things his way. As he chooses to respect her agency to some degree, he has to change tack and keep up with her movements. This is illustrative of what marriage is like. Two people with different agendas and expectations have to change in order for the relationship to have any kind of longevity.”

I am super excited as you delve deeper into the drama and come back with your analysis. I have completed the drama and am working on my thoughts but won’t share them until you’re done. :) Hope to see you again soon.

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