This has been in the works for sometime and we were finally able to find time to have this conversation. I apologize ahead of time for some of the audio issues because we ended up using a messenger app because it didn’t seem that the alternative was recording well on Audacity. I recommend the use of earphones to expedite audibility.
In this podcast we talk about:
Dr Dave’s background and interest in K dramas
Dr Dave’s assessment of the drama’s use of medical information
The role of tertiary hospitals
The diet of health care workers
Work-life balance issues
The emphasis on organ transplantation
Hospital Playlist as a wholesome drama
Hospitals as supportive work environments
The hospital hierarchy
The Five Friends — Professors: Too god-like?
Table tennis tournament — Former Olympians (We said that they were from Radiology but I think it is Nuclear Medicine)
The most stressful department(s)
Dr Dave’s experiences of different rotations
Romance among doctors
Differences between the seasons
Thanks for listening…
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