I have to say that I am surprised by negativity surrounding this episode because in all honesty it’s completely contrary to everything I think about it. In fact, it’s been a bit uncomfortable for much of this season trying to understand why it is I don’t feel like the show is any different while on other platforms I read comments that the show has got a different vibe.
I mentioned this to the two members of my family that care and they both said they liked it a lot. My daughter was saying that she thought this was the best episode so far. So the other half decided we should do a rewatch and we did. I haven’t changed my mind about my initial impression and in fact the rewatch was a confirmation that this was a good episode almost on par with Episode 5 and I certainly liked it more than Episode 6 which was probably a little too breezy for me.
In all likelihood it boils down to the fact that I enjoy the angst more than most. My ongoing fanfic based on Law School is proof of that. Hospital Playlist S2 is currently right in the middle of the second act and that’s the point in which traditionally in K dramas, things go badly for the lead characters, it is where they come face to face with mountains that they have to overcome. I don’t think it’s all that different from what occurred in S1 when for instance Jeong-won was seriously wrestling with his decision to enter the priesthood especially when he saw Gyeo-ul all made up and getting into another man’s vehicle. He didn’t like it one whit and it shook his certainty about the priesthood.
Recent developments with the WinterGarden couple I don’t think should be considered a step backwards. In fact, it’s a positive development because the fluff can’t go on forever. It’s not only because it’s a K drama and no drama with romance is ever conflict free but because there are issues that need to be discussed between them before they both say “I do”. Fluff can quickly turn into a cocoon that only postpones the inevitable exposure but doesn’t erase it out of existence. If Gyeo-ul does come from a dysfunctional background then the earlier that it dealt with, the better. Surely nobody really believes Jeong-won will change his mind about Gyeo-ul just because she hasn’t been forthcoming. He is completely besotted and the show has been at pains to demonstrate it. If anyone needs reminding he gave up the priesthood for her and her alone. No one else. He is completely devoted to her needs. And he’s left the door open on other occasions for her to be completely open, fully prepared to take whatever comes. As long as he’s in love with her, I see the proposal-that-wasn’t not at all as a hiccup but as a vital step of house cleaning as it were. I’m completely on board with that idea even though I’ve been enjoying the fluff as much as the next person. The other thing that Jeong-won will have to deal with is his mother’s deteriorating memory issues which is comparable to her refusal to accept his application to the priesthood last season leading to her avoiding having to interact with him.
Hence, in the previous season he was the stumbling block but in this, she is holding back something which could potentially cause trust issues between them. Gyeo-ul is naive about relationships but she’s obviously been through a lot and is used to keeping things to herself.
To be fair the characters can’t stay the same especially in a multi-season story. There has to be growth upon growth. Gyeo-ul is going great guns as a doctor as we saw — more confidence, more energy, taking on more responsibilities. But there is still this niggly elephant in the room thing about her family that she doesn’t talk about. Again, the purpose of the WG dynamic here is so that she is finally forced to open up on this very point and they can face whatever it is they need to face together. It is part and parcel of her growth. Otherwise she’s just going to jump at the next domestic abuse offender like she always has.
As far as love lines are concerned, they were always there in S1 and they’re just being given more wings in S2. If there’s anything “different” it is the progression of some of these relationships. I’m not entirely happy with the route taken with bidulgi to be frank and it’s heartbreaking watching Jun-wan wallow in misery, painfully missing Ik-sun. And yet through this “baptism by fire”, he is noticeably becoming a kinder and gentler human being as seen in his ongoing interactions with Jae-hak and the mother who was looking for a second opinion.
With regards to Ik-Song, there seems to be a fair bit of progress. These days they spend a lot of time together because their friends have other interests. They also went on a camping trip together and chatted till quite late on a variety of subjects. She’s been accommodating him and he’s accommodating her. It’s a big step for them considering he’s more an indoors social animal making friends with all manner of staff at work. Gradually they each seem to be drawing the other into their respective domains.
I will reiterate this from what I said in the comment section in my previous post. I don’t think the preemption did the series any favours. It seldom does in my view. All the issues that emerged in this episode were already telegraphed or prefigured in the previous episodes. It was only a matter of time that all of these issues brewing under the surface would see the light of day.
For me I am always in awe of the writer’s abilities here. How she manages the contrasts and parallels in every episode and throughout the whole season. It is so obviously hard work putting together a script like this, trying to connect all the dots and themes with regulars and guest roles alike. If there’s any criticism that could be made of the show it could the fact that there’s a fair bit of repetition in subject matter and yet somehow she manages take a different slant on each occasion.
Anyhow it’s way past my bedtime and I should sign off. Feel free to comment below.
I am leaving my comments here after reading your two wonderful posts about Ep7 and all the great comments people have left for your previous post – I wanted to reply to all of them, but it will just take forever 😊. So here I go:
First, I have to admit that I felt “weird” after watching Ep7. It was not the usual “happy” feeling I have after watching the previous episodes. It felt heavy and there were so many short but dramatic plots that I had to think that they did not just throw them all in to fill the time; definitely not with ShinLee and their reputation for meticulous planning and execution of their storylines. So, it was great to see all the comments that share similar sentiments, but also reminders that those scenes may just be the earlier puzzle pieces for a greater picture to be completed later.
As much as my heart sorrowed for the new WG scenes, I also agree (after some time to feel sad and reflect) that for the long run, this is a positive development. The late dinner at JW’s office might have been cute, but the dialogue was alarming – her thinking about faking a breakup to stop all the questions and him avoiding the topic – they appear to be at different places in their relationship. GU did not appear to have thought about the option of just making their relationship public after this long secrecy, and that really made me concerned that she is not yet comfortable of letting people know that she is dating JW, let alone anticipating and proactively working towards a life-long union with him.
Having said that, however, I also can see where she came from. If a happy marriage and safe home is not something you grew up with, it is plausible that it is not in your subconscious as your supposed destiny in life. Or even worse, something you consider as “normal” and everyone should deserve, especially for yourself (this is a deep topic and I hope I am making sense).
And as sweet, charming, and ofc, dashing, JW is being this doting, loving, and supporting bf, I wonder how much he has shared his own desires and plans for them as a couple. It does not appear that he wanted to give her any pressure, while he continues wanting to be this “perfect” boyfriend. He avoided the topic of making their relationship public, and I also wonder the idea for him not having introduced GU to his mom – was it his own worry that she’d be pressured, or was it her request? Has he himself been vulnerable and transparent before her? Surely there must have been critical cases or even deaths from his young patients in the past 15 months, did he breakdown or show his work stress before her?
(and before I continue, allow me to insert a selfish vent – I have been looking forward to WinterRosa interactions the whole season. I can’t wait to see Rosa doting on and feeding uri GU, and being elated seeing her makne totally glee and whipped; and maybe seeing his family would allow her to see that each family has its own issues and help her to open up on hers. So, selfishly I am disappointed, and I hope there will still be sufficient time, esp with the recent deterioration of Rosa)
So, if their limited time together due to their crazy schedule this past 15 months has been GU’s happy escape from reality, and JW’s special moments to dote on his baby and allow her to be a carefree little kid, it is understandable now that they have not explored the heavier topics in life and become comfortable to share their hurt and burden with each other. I saw some comments that she should have immediately called JW to tell him that her mom is in the ER. My instinct when the scene happened was the same, then I stepped back to remember that all the “immediate” and “spontaneous” communications are something learned through experience and repeated practices. If you have never experienced a safe environment where sharing your load is not only expected, and even welcomed as a way to show your love and trust of each other, how do you then immediately know to do that, esp when so much hurt and dark secrets are involved? Her text gave me hope that she will explain everything to him soon, but it felt so formal with so much buried pain; poor GU, I just want to hug her 😢.
Sorry I have used so much space to say why I agree that this is a positive development. As much as I feel so sad for the double whammy on WG with both mothers being ill at the same time (and interestingly one is more outward physical and the other is more mental), this can be an opportunity for them to both become vulnerable with each other and let the guard down, not trying to bear everything or being “perfect” anymore. My only worry is that the opportunity may be missed with the physical distance they will have (I wonder if we may see less of GU in the next few ep since she was also busy filming her other drama at the time).
And all the way back to my comment of “feeling weird”, even my daughter noticed how sad I looked the rest of the day after I watched Ep7, but it helped me recognize my unrealistic expectation for HP to serve as my escape and source of comfort. While it can indeed be something a drama can offer, it should not become an excuse for me to demand this slice-of-life drama to go only the happy way I want. It hurts now because it is cutting close to reality, where people have relationship problems, dark history, and health issues. As I expect WG to love each other even more with more revelations and communications, I, too, can learn to appreciate this drama more even when it gives us angsts.
One more comment – I think S2 has been consistent in the message that the doctor-patient dynamic goes beyond just the two – S2 has consistently highlighted the pain, worries, and stress the patients’ family members experience, as well as the downsides of being the loved ones of the medical staff. It is a great reminder that the patients’ family members are also for the doctors to care, but at same time, as the doctors care for the patients and their family, they are sacrificing the time that their own loved ones also deserve.
I know you already said you welcome long comments, but still have to apologize again here… and thank you for this space. It is so therapeutic to read your posts and also to share here. Have a marvelous weekend!
Hello, this is my first time post a comment on your blog.
It's good to read your point of view of the drama that you watch.
I'm also an ahjumma and the story of Wintergarden on episode 7, reminds me of my young days before I got married to my hubby. We also have the same problem because the family matter is not easy to share even with your loved one. Maybe in Asian culture, family plays an important part because it also means married with the family when two people get married. So I agree with you, to have a healthy marriage life, the couple has to be open and accept each other family, including accepting the bad side of our own family.
As we know Gyeoul family was keeping a mystery since season 1. If Ikjun didn't ask, in episode 9, we still think Gyeoul already move on and got a new boyfriend. This is the first time they introduce Gyeoul's family member. In episode 7, they will reveal Gyeoul's family, and we will see whether Jeongwon can accept her family and help her accept her family as it is. I think Gyeoul never talks about her family because there's something that she feels shame or she may have a broken family. Because we can never be separate from our family, it's time for family reconciliation and also a step to build a strong marriage life.
This also has a connection with Seokhyeong marriage life before, he can't deal with her family matter and also can help his ex-wife to be accepted by his mother, so the marriage could not stay longer. I know there are so many reasons, but I think the most important part is family matters.
I really enjoy Hospital Playlist season 1 & season 2, and not complaining at all. Just enjoy the show, the story, insights from each story, and get along with new friends who love Hospital Playlist.
Thank you